Κυριακή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Yet another Sunday

Guess what...
It's a bloody Sunday again...
Yeah and I got a runny nose and a temper and I just want to run away.

I've been thinking about life, the universe and everything. People say money doesn't bring happiness and all I can say to that is BULL SHIT. I seriously hope some self righteous asshole is going to stumble on this and comment. Yeah some sodding bleeding heart should really come and post here and tell me about the things money can't buy and the happiness to be found in nature and god's sun and all that bullshit.

I live in a city bitch. This means there's no nature to speak off and if there is I need to either walk there or pay money to get there. But... but I hear you say it's just 1.40 for the metro ticket isn't it? Look... 1.40 is also my lunch on a work day Mrs bleeding heart. So yeah I want money. Lots of money.

Money equalls freedom. Money equalls choice. And now I've opened myself up to the self proclaimed anarchist liberators, who will, if they find the blog, tell me theories about godamned equality and revolution and other paparies (sorry this is not translatable, bollocks is close though).
As long a people are involved no way of goverment will ever be fair or equal, cause humans are assholes and egoists. Scream as much as you want about selfsacrificing heroes of religion or politics. People look to please themselves first and foremost. Unless other things are at play, like religious fever, where they will shove their piety and good deeds down your throat, if of course you will applaud and bend the knee to the divinity of their choice.
Political fervour is no much better. Do as I say, never pick at details of what I do and bend the knee. (Anarchists are not excluded from this. Instead of bending the knee to one person I'd have to bend the knee to the committee).

So yeah I call BullShit. And also just so it's clear I won't bend the knee asshats. Never to no one. And for no other reason than I got a huge ego and I admit it. I know I have it and I won't dress it up with nice, trendy words about love and revolution and happiness and all that crap.

So now I suppose you expect a song yes? Ok then

It's not easy being green


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